Tag Archives: loch ness

Was A Bigfoot Creature Seen Close to Loch Ness. October 2020

When it comes to Loch Ness we have all heard of the serpent-like creature that dwells there. But would it surprise you to know that a little over 2 years ago a very different kind of creature was spotted by a motorist who camped out in his car over night at the Loch.

The man who often tours the UK in his converted camper has come forward to reveal he saw a creature he is having trouble describing. The man contacted BBR Investigations about his case.

Witness Report: “Hi Deborah I want to report a recent sighting of what I believe to be a Bigfoot like Creature last October. It’s something I still think about even though it was over 12 months ago. I keep rethinking the incident and trying to explain it away but I can’t. I live in the midlands and drove up to Glasgow to view some machinery for my business.

As it was my first trip to Scotland and after I had finished work I decided I would take a trip to Inverness as have a bed setup in my van. Whilst I was there I decided to stay overnight and sleep in my van and I ended up parked in a lay-by right next to Loch Ness. I was the only vehicle in the lay-by. It was a pretty normal night until around 12.30 at night when I woke up and I sat up facing the window screen.

Im not sure what woke me but as I was looking through the window I realised I could see a figure moving around out there. It was moving and I can only describe it as a huge. I saw it walk in front of my van. I didn’t see it’s face at any point, I only saw it from the side. I reckon it was about twenty feet from my van and it was at least seven feet tall. It’s arms were really long. Whatever it was it had been to the loch and it walked past my van across the road into the forest which was to my right.

This sighting was enough to make me jump into the driver’s seat and drive off to the nearest car park. Looking at pictures on the internet it looked exactly like a Bigfoot from the side, it was too big to be a man”

If you have seen anything similar close to the Loch or in another past of the UK. Our witness is hoping someone else has seen the creature he saw that day. 

Deborah Hatswell #BBR
