Graham Allen Shares his Experiences & Cases with UFO’s & Black Panther Reports on Cannock Chase

Graham Allen contacted me back in March 2022 as he is an avid investigator who lives close to Cannock chase and he is well known for his work in the field of the strange and unexplained. Sadly it took me until Feb 2023 to finally sit down and record an interview with Graham about his research as a whole and also share some of the many cases he has worked on over the decades.

Graham is the founder of The Staffordshire UFO Group which was started in 1995 in order to investigate UFO cases across the midlands. Graham started the group after his own experiences with triangular craft many years ago. One event where he witnessed a UFO took place in Adelaide in Australia and the second event happened close to Cannock Chase.

The Staffordshire UFO Group produced a full length professional documentary on flying triangular shaped craft in 2004. It was awarded an ‘EBE’ at the 2005 Laughlin, Nevada – International UFO Congress Conference. This documentary contains the report of a well documented event from the Staffordshire area.

I would strongly suggest contacting him if you have had an experience on Cannock Chase as Graham is a huge source of information when it comes to the area.

I would like to give you a quick run down on the events Graham shared with me during our conversation.

15/3/22 – “Hello Deborah, just a quick message, a friend of mine who lives in Adelaide Australia has recently told me about your research and interest in the Yowie out there. I lived out in Australia many years ago when I moved there as a young boy with my family, I now live here in the UK on the edge of the renowned Cannock Chase and I investigate and look for strange activity. I ran Staffordshire UFO Group many years ago and I am currently carrying out research on a few notorious sites.

I was in contact with Graham again on – 8/4/22 – At 11pm last night I had a past work colleague who is also a town planner message me asking if I knew a cryptozoologist as he believed he had just witnessed a black panther on the Chase. I didn’t get back to him straight away, but I have just called him to get details. 

Witness “Hi Graham I had the weirdest experience last night coming home from work, I think with an animal that was bearing down on me from behind in the undergrowth. I was walking back from Trent Valley station at the time this happened. I thought you might know someone doing research in that area and my story could help build a bigger picture, happy to chat later”


Friday 08 April 2022

Time: 21.25 – 21.27

Conditions: cool, light rain

Location: Rugeley by-pass, near old old railway bridge

Witness Report: Matt, had walked with a friend to see him off on trail at Rugeley Trent Valley Station. Walking back home along the by-pass at around 21.24 he heard a breathing/growling noise behind him which got closer and louder until he could hear footsteps in the undergrowth (leaves), to the point that he thought whatever it was was about to pounce. He turned around quickly, threw his arms in the air and shouted only to see a glimpse of something right behind him that spun around and darted into the bushes (bushes shook). He was panicked and rang his wife at 21.25 to come and pick him up. Matt is convinced it was a black Panther whose territory is close to River Trent.

When his wife picked him up he tried to explain the breathing/growl which wasn’t like a dog. She found a panther’s breathing growl on YouTube and played it to him. He was even more shaken on hearing that. Matt hopes it will be a useful record and wants me to pass it on to someone interested in such cases. The strange thing is Deborah, I’ve not had anything to do with any of this sort of stuff for years and within a couple of weeks of contacting you, I’ve had a UFO report from Thursday 7th and a black panther report from the 8th. If I didn’t know any better I’d suspect something or someone was trying to tell me something

Graham and I chatted again when he sent in a new case he is working on.

The Bear Like Figure Oct 2022 – Witness Report: “Back in October of 2022, I got a call from a local couple very early one weekend morning. The lady of the house had been woken up by the outside security light coming on at around 4:30am. She decided to get up and investigate and she looked out of the back window and saw a large dark figure moving around on the back lawn. She then went to wake up her husband and he opened the back door and proceeded towards what they both described as a bear-like figure. Being in their 80’s the couple of course were concerned and confused at what they were seeing.

The figure was hunched over a fairy ring of mushrooms and as the husband walked forward and approached it (to confront and hit it), the security light came on and the figure vanished immediately leaving no trace. I did go around to their home after the call and they were both insistent on what had just happened. They were so concerned they even got me to take photos of what the couple felt was a footprint. They did also ring the police who have supplied them with a security camera and advised them on safety issues.

Graham was kind enough to provide me with a number of images that we mention in our interview together

Graham Allen: A drawing I did back in 1989 after myself and my two children saw the large triangle with an orange ball of light emitting from it.

Graham Allen: This is the front cover of the DVD documentary I produced.

Graham Allen: This is a computerised image of the two triangular craft we witnessed on 16 May 1988. These were the crafts which were sited that Bill Cash MP raised in the Commons with the then Defence Minister Roger Freeman. These were reported by dozens of witnesses, police, etc and were the subject of my documentary.

Graham Allen: This image was provided by a witness on 16/8/88

Graham Allen: Etching Hill area has a very prominent Ley line running right through it. 

Graham Allen: The Albion or Bellinis Ley Line

I would like to thank Graham for sharing not only his experiences with us, if you would like to contact Graham here is his email

Deborah Hatswell 10/2/23

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