I Saw Wolves In My Bedroom As A Child

BBR Witness: “Firstly, my apologies for emailing you so early on a Friday, but after listening to your guest speaking on the PRT last night I had to make contact as something you talked about on the show literally made my blood run cold.

A bit about myself first : I’m a 44 year old bloke living in the Midlands. I’ve always been what I would call sensitive to stuff, in particular the energies of people and places. I’m very empathic. ( so much so that I’m currently having therapy with regards to managing people and energy as I can be left pretty drained by it).

The paranormal has always interested me and also the folklore of different cultures which is what has drawn me to these podcasts. I’ve never had an “overtly” paranormal encounter but have felt things all my life in old places and especially when I wild camp alone. I use wild camping as a coping tool for recharging myself in nature. I’ve saged a couple of locations when the animals have gone silent or I’ve felt like I’m being watched. I’ve then slept like a baby in my hammock or under my tarp.

My reason for contacting you is this. On the PRT podcast you mention experiences you had as a young girl in your room. My apologies, but I haven’t yet watched any of your other stuff yet where you go into this in detail. I fully intend to.

You mention a women who contacted you regarding a wolf that used to be in her room when she was little. I’m going cold writing this.

From a very young age I was very aware of one sometimes two black wolves with blue eyes that sat in the corner of my bedroom watching me. If I couldn’t see them I could hear them. I could often feel them panting next to my face and even now have to sleep with the quilt over my ear and my feet tucked in. These wolves would often be standing upright on 2 legs.

Now my earliest recollection of this was probably about when I about 4 or 5. I had no idea what a werewolf was. I didn’t see my first werewolf movie until the early 90s where they had bipedal werewolves ( I think it was the howling, but facially they weren’t the same)

What was almost tangible was the malevolence in the room. As the years went on and as I got older though I did get used to them. I actually developed a real interest in normal wolves and the presence changed to that of old hag sort of entity. I’ve never actually suffered any sort of sleep paralysis with it and have always had freedom of movement.

This could have taken two forms: I could either see her or I just hear a shriek next to me in bed. The fear I felt turned to anger which seemed to annoy it. I still get it every so often but I just tell it to go forth and travel, shall we say and it does . I’m more bothered now that it interferes with my sleep.

One other thing that you might find interesting. I’m not religious in the slightest. I’m spiritual but don’t subscribe to mainstream religious beliefs, however, I have dreams where I’m face to face with negative entities that give off the same malevolence of the wolves and hag and for some reason I start saying the Lord’s prayer and it sends them running for the hills.

It’s all very odd. I try to see the funny side.

I’ve waffled enough. I wonder if you can throw any light on any of it? Again, apologies for the early email“.

Join BBR at The BASES 2024 Summer Seminars 15th -16th June 2024 at SN95EQ Pewsey.

Only One Week Left Before I attend The Bases Project Seminar along with several other amazing speakers for a weekend of the strange and unexplained. I will be speaking on Saturday 15th June 2024 and I would love it if you came out and joined me. 

This is an exclusive event for me and I am really excited to attend and meet the other guest speakers and guests. Knowing the topics I know there will be something to suit everyone.

I will be speaking about British Bigfoot Sightings, UK Dogmen Reports, Cryptids Seen On MOD Facilities and I pose the question, Do Some Families Have A Genetic Predisposition to Paranormal Activity?

BASES2024 Summer Seminars 15th -16th June 2024 at SN95EQ Pewsey, Wiltshire.

Featuring Mark Pilkington, Gill Kirkham, Sayed Mahmoud Noah, Mark Rayworth, Jeanie Rebane, Sandi Adams Team, Julie Phelps, Thomas Mikey Jensen, and Bob Osborne will be attending.

You can get your tickets here using this link – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/bases2024-summer-seminars-15-16-june-2024-pewsey-tickets-877560806997?aff=oddtdtcreator

Something Followed Us Home From The Woods. 1990’s

BBR Witness: “When I was younger myself and my friends used to play in the woodland that was near my house when we were kids. I grew up in a small town called Horley, in Surrey. It wasn’t far from the West Sussex border. My first ever strange experience in these woods-called Langshott woods-happened 30 years ago. I was 13 at the time. We were in the process of building a den. It was a Saturday, a still summers day. We were standing around when a big branch on a tree, came crashing to the ground. This was with force. Bear in mind, this was a beautiful sunny summers day. Me and my friends bolted out of those woods like shit out of a goose.

I lived 200 yards from these woods. It was like something followed me home. Throughout those summer holidays, whenever I was at home alone, I would have heavy footsteps follow me whenever I went up the stairs, accompanied by heavy breathing. It sounded like something massive would chase me up those stairs. Around this time, I started experiencing sleep paralysis and some very strange dreams. It was all very terrifying“.

Taking a look at the area I can see several other reports from people who have reported similar encounters and for some of them they saw what stalked them in the woods.

East Grinstead Unknown Creature.What Shadowed Me In Those Bushes?

BBR Witness GR: “GR/EM: I was contacted by a gentleman on youtube who after hearing one of the video accounts from a witness on the Medway kindly shared his encounter with something strange whilst out on his mountain bike, as regular readers will know, mountain bikers and the mountain bike trails are a great source for witness accounts.

Well Deb this is the strange encounter I had in the woods late at night on a solo mountain bike ride in the winter. I will try and make sense of what happened but I’m not very good at putting things down on paper and its not the easiest thing to explain. I’m pretty sure this was back in 2011 as I was around 18 when it happened. It was definitely during Winter as the woods were bare of shrub and leaves and the muddy/clay ground was a nightmare to ride on . I used to be a very keen extreme mountain biker and I would go out with a group and also solo, My favourite time was the night rides during the winter months at which time I would usually have a lot of fun, but not this night.

To be totally honest I have never been a real fan of the dark but after this event I never went into the woods at night again and I still refuse to do so now. I was on my todd in the backwoods of Cobham on a set route that runs along the North Downs directly opposite the town of Rochester which is on the other side of the River Medway in Kent. That night I was making my way home through the woods and I was not seeing or hearing any other people at all. I mean this place was dark even with my 1500 lume light on my helmet the area itself was still pitch black, blacker than soot! I must of been halfway between Rochester and Snodland but traveling through the woods on top of the downs no the normal road route when it happened.

Along a part of this ride I started to get a creepy feeling, you know when you dont know why? But you are instantly on your guard and you feel all the hairs on your body stand up. Im already cold and covered in wet mud and water, Im in the dark on my own crapping it and confused. So I stop for a break after doing a long climb up the hill I make myself calm down and catch my breath, but I can’t help but feel like im being watched, I can’t shake the feeling. I look all around me its pitch black and I dont see anyone or anything. I then realise the quiet unsettles me a lot as I can’t even hear your normal countryside noises of foxes screaming or moving around, owls and critters moving through the grass, nothing!! the mood felt extremely off and creepy.

I still have to carry on riding and so I decided I want to get out of the woods now as im not ashamed to say I felt scared, but as I kept on I swore I could hear somthing moving off to the left of me about 30 foot away in the trees and brush shadowing me, but I didn’t dare look in that direction as to be honest I was shitting bricks by this point and I didnt want to see what or who was keeping pace with me in the woods. But soon I got closer to the country lanes it all stopped. I couldn’t hear it following me anymore and I didnt feel on edge and all the anxiety just left me.

That’s about all I have got to say about this experience. And up until 2 yrs ago I had never heard or knew dogmen exist. We all know about werewolves and we are told that they are only hollywood creations made to create a good movie but when I saw your video on the Medway thats where my thoughts went, it hit me straight away bringing the whole weird and horrible night back to me. Since that night I had never gone into the woods at night walking nor riding and for the last 3 yrs I haven’t rode mountain bikes at all.”

Something Moved in Her Passenger Side Mirror

Witness Report: 31/7/21 “At the end of July I had a bit of a strange experience when I was out with my partner and we went deer/animal watching in our usual area in East Sussex. I take the IR binoculars with us and it makes it much easier to see them in dim light. We were parked up in our usual spot and we had been sitting there for a moment when we heard a loud gunshot and the noise of a pissed off stag, bearing in mind the hunting/culling had started.

About 30 seconds after the gunshot and stag noise something blocked out what little light there was in the rear view mirror. It was as if something had moved behind the car and it was big enough to block the light. It was clearly a large but silent object, we heard no movement. It was almost like someone was walking behind the car silently. I instantly put all of the car lights on and there was nothing out there, nothing to be seen! I checked and there were no other people or cars in the area either.

So we got out of there pretty sharpish and we parked up at the next lay-by which lies at the top of the mine shaft. We were just sitting there chilling and talking, we had almost forgotten about what had happened. The night was very quiet and we could just slightly hear some distant music presumably from a wedding as we had seen some signs for it earlier?

The atmosphere changed and we both simultaneously looked at each other as the hairs on our arms were standing up and we both had that feeling that something was about to pounce out of the darkness at us. It was at that point my partner said she saw something move in her passenger side mirror.

She ignored the movement at first and then she looked again and whatever she saw spooked her because she just said “drive, now!!”

I asked her what she had seen when we finally got to a spot we felt safe. She said she saw an Amorphous Black Shape. Whatever it was, it had gotten to within a few feet of us and the car. It was quite safe to say that ended what otherwise was a fun evening for us both!


Dont Miss Our Next Youtube Upload If You Enjoy UK Dogman Reports.

Local Man Sees The Biddulph Creatures. They Were Something A’tween Man & Beast

On Saturday 8th June 24, at 8 pm GMT I will be sharing Part 1 of my transcribed chat with a BBR Witness. Phil who lives in Biddulph, Stoke on Trent. Phil had an experience near Knypersley Reservoir that changed how he used the area for several years. What he encountered that night affects him still.

One New Year’s Eve Phil’s Father shared his own unforgettable experience in exactly the same area many years before. His Uncles also had their tales to tell as did his Grandfather. They have hunted, trapped and fished this area for generations and it is out in the fields and woodlands where their experiences take place. But for Phil, it was more extreme as things started to happen at his home. 

Join me as I share all of Phils experiences along with some interesting historical research connected to a prominent family in the area whose family crest bears a Wolf, Shot with an Arrow.

Part 2 will follow on 22nd June at 8pm GMT 

Deb Hatswell, BBR Investigations 6/6/24