The Hunger Hill Gorilla. It Climbed up to my Room. It Had Fanged Teeth 95/96.

The M6 motorway is one we all know well. Most of us have driven along it, not giving much thought to the homes we see as we drive by. Ordinary homes in ordinary Lancashire towns. In the early evening people are relaxing after a long day at work. Watching TV or catching up on housework while the kids are upstairs. Each person going about their everyday life oblivious to what stalks the night. 

During my years of collecting encounters and experiences from all across the UK, I have branched out into Radio shows and Podcasts. One of the things people find popular is our weekly Live shows on Youtube. During the pandemic it has allowed me to bring lots of people together in one place for a chat with friends, a catch up on new cases and each week we have a new guest talking about their strange experience. It was during one of these Live shows on New Years Eve that this report came in.

I was contacted by a young man who lives in the Bolton Area of Lancashire. He wanted to know where my own encounter with an ‘Ape-like Thing’ happened and how old was I at the time. ‘Lee’ then went on to explain that he had also seen something he was struggling to explain in the North West of England when he was much younger. His experience instantly reminded me of a number of reports I had taken over the years from people who shared their experience of seeing some kind of Gorilla-like Creature when they were children. All of these Child witnesses describe an Ape-like Creature, they all lived in New Build homes situated on the edge of Greenbelt land. They all saw the Creature through their window and they all had other kinds of events happen in later life. 

Our witness from Hunger Hill makes it clear that he does not feel what he saw was a Bigfoot Creature, he describes something with the appearance of a Gorilla. He is not alone in this. Many of our witnesses report Ape or Gorilla like Creatures, they are often described as being down on all fours in that typical Gorilla stance. One witness who saw a reddish coloured Creature on two occasions a few miles away from my experience described the Creature as standing on its knuckles in an Ape like fashion. Another point to note is the swaying motion that is often described. We see the same motion with Chimps and Apes. The swaying side to side, over and over in a repetitive movement. In the wild Apes make this motion to show dominance. The swaying is a sign of confidence. Strangely they will also sway to rhythmic sound, like rain or natural noises.

Witness Report: “Hi Deborah, I heard you speaking about your encounter on Youtube and I got in touch because I saw something strange not too far away when I was a kid. The experience I had was very close up and personal. I could not mistake what I was seeing, or mix it up with anything else. When people describe Bigfoot type Creatures there is a similarity to what I saw but I’m not sure exactly if what I saw was a Bigfoot because It looked like a Gorilla. I was around 7 yrs old when it happened and I lived in the Hunger Hill area at the time. The house we lived in was close to the M6 motorway and my bedroom window was facing the main road, looking out towards the roundabout. 

On the day this happened I was in my bedroom standing looking out of the window and I saw something I couldn’t understand. It was early evening and I could see it clearly. There was something in the garden and from what I could see I can only describe this thing as very Ape-like. It was very much similar to a Silverback Gorilla. It ran across a very small grass area and easily hopped over the front fence and proceeded to climb my drainpipe and It was coming up towards my window.

I took a few steps back in shock as this Thing reached my window. It was looking in at me, hanging onto the drainpipe while grinning, It was showing me all Its teeth. It just kept looking at me and I could see that the teeth were pretty big and the fang like teeth (its canines) were a lot larger than the others. I was just so shocked and almost traumatised. I couldn’t move or run away, I was just frozen to the spot looking at It. It was almost smiling at me or grinning, I can’t really describe Its expression. I remember regaining myself and being able to move finally so I ran downstairs and told my Mum and Dad about what I had just seen. I basically told them there’s an Ape at my bedroom window baring its teeth. I asked my Dad if he would come upstairs with me and see it for himself. Which if I remember correctly I don’t think they ever did.  

I have always remembered this experience and I have had others but nothing relating to a Bigfoot kind of thing. To what I know and believe I wasn’t dreaming. I wasn’t imagining it. It definitely happened and I know it sounds crazy but this Thing was real. l have always remembered that day and what happened and I never had any sort of experience Bigfoot wise before or since or whatever It was. I would say It was more like an actual Ape than a Bigfoot. I don’t know what to call It. I can describe It though, It was very black in colour and the hair almost had a silver sheen to it. I must have been 3ft or 2ft away from It when It came up the drainpipe. I saw this Thing directly, I was looking straight at It. I could make out so much detail. I can remember It like It was yesterday. I know it’s a long time ago but it’s never really left my mind and I always wondered what It was that I saw that day.  

It’s pretty hard to talk to people about what happened because I know how it sounds. This Thing was definitely from what I can say to my knowledge like a silverback Gorilla. I saw It run across the grass and It was moving very fast towards the fence. It moved with a sway and It had very long arms that were muscular. I always think back to that time and I start doubting myself but I know exactly what I saw and it’s never really left me. I can remember everything about It and just the whole sequence that happened, it’s really ingrained in my memory. 

I have done countless hours of research about Bigfoot’s across the globe but the general description just doesn’t seem to be a match to exactly what I saw. I mean this Thing was down on all fours, It wasn’t walking on It’s back legs, It was swaying like how a Gorilla moves. If I had to guess its height I would say if it did stand up straight it would have been around 6ft or maybe 7ft. It was pretty large but It was also more bulky and stocky. I could see It’s muscular formation from where the grass patch was in front of the house. I would say the Thing I saw had kind of thick black greyish hair that had a sheen to it. It was in the shape of a buzz cut but with very long spiking hair if you know what I mean. It was very characteristic of an actual Silverback face and the teeth seemed very large and It seemed to have a quite a large head. The thing I’ve often thought about the most is how could a drainpipe support Its weight?It was climbing up very quickly. I would say from the moment I spotted it to the moment it climbed the drain pipe must of been under 10 seconds maybe 7 a the most and It was up at my window peering through at me while I stood there traumatised, it makes me wonder what the hell these things are or what’s going on exactly?

After reading this Deb do you have anyone who has had any sort of similar experience to mine at all?  I hopefully would like to get some sort of clarification into what It could have been or what It was” 

A Young Boy Sees a Peeping Gorilla Watching Him Through the Window – Witness Report: J. M: “Deborah do you have any accounts in the Springwell Area in the North East of England? The reason I ask is when I was younger around I would sleep over at my grandparents a lot during the weekends and school holidays and one night when I was staying over and I saw what looked like a gorilla’s head peeking out from behind a tree in the garden and looking through the trees outside my window, I think it was watching me in bed and I remember being so scared I hid under the covers for the rest of the night worried this “gorilla” would climb in the window and get me. If I had to describe it I would say, “The face kind of just looked like a gorilla, with not much hair on the face, this “thing” had a short stubby nose, with massive eyes that looked black but it was dark so I’m not sure if there was any colour to them in a different light? The hair around the face and head looked dark brown/black. I only really saw the head peeping round the tree” before I quickly made sense of what was happening and hid. I used to spend every free moment at my Grandparents home in Springwell village, Washington before this happened. And I can remember that night well although I was fairly young at the time. I had stayed up late watching TV with my grandparents and when I finally did go to bed I was lying in bed and I did not have the curtains closed, there were no houses at the back of us and the house looked out onto greenbelt land I never had the curtains closed ever that I can remember, I would just watch the sky and the stars till I nodded off. This night I was just lying there in my bed and I moved around a little to get comfy and I lay down on my back with my head to one side looking out of the window. I was just daydreaming and looking outside thinking and all I could see was the conifer trees my Grandfather had planted a few years before. As I lay looking out the window I noticed two eyes looking at me, right away I was scared then as my eyes adjusted to the surrounding trees I noticed what looked like a Gorilla’s face peeking through the trees watching me being gripped by Fear I hid under my blanket until I fell asleep, as I said the face kinda just looked like a Gorilla with not much hair on the face at all, it had a short stubby nose, two massive eyes that looked black. The hair around the face and head looked dark brown/black. I only really saw the head of this thing clearly not the body before I hid. But this wasn’t the only strange thing that happened

An Ape-Like Monkey Face at the Window 1978 – Witness Account J. Smith October 1978 I lived in Sevenoaks, Kent in a street with a series of houses which was laid out in an oval. The street itself has around 40 houses or so and then fields to the left and countryside, woodland for a few miles at the back. The countryside was pretty thick in places with pine forests and then oaks and birches, it was quite diverse. So I guess you could say I was on the outskirts of town.I was 10 at the time and it was a Sunday night and I was waiting to watch How the West was won. It was a pretty cloudy and foggy and a still night that I can remember. I went to my kitchen to make a cup of tea and in our house we didn’t have at the time double glazing, it was a one sheet glass window with metal partitions so when we had to cook or boil a kettle and it was cold the condensation would occur and settle on the glass.I waited in the kitchen for the kettle to boil and out of the corner of my eye, a face appeared in the bottom pane. At first I thought it was just my reflection and then I looked again closely. This time the face pressed itself hard against the window. It was a sort of chimp and human style face?  it was youngish I would say.

I pretended I didn’t see it, but I was absolutely terrified. I left the room and sat down motionless I couldn’t say a word so I decided at the time to draw it, and did so straight away. As an addition to this, the face resembled that of a chimp, with short snout, black/brown eyes but with human type hair everywhere”Now in the next report the Creature is seen outside and the land is very wild and open, far more wild than greenbelt land, but the description given by the witness who saw his Gorilla-like Creature when he was on holiday is very similar to what our witness from Hunger Hill encountered.

There is a report not too far away from Hunger Hill, infact if you follow the M6 motorway its a straight route. This is a modern report that came into BBR in Summer 2020.

The Latchford Gorilla. Warrington 2013. It was Walking on its Knuckles – “Hello Debbie. I recently came across your article about the Bigfoot report close to Warrington. Around 7 years ago I was living with my then partner a short walk from the Kingsway Bridge. Like many people we’d use the pathway along the River Mersey as a shortcut into town.

One evening, I dont recall the time, but it was dark. My and my partner had set off down the path toward the town centre. We’d just come down the side of the bridge and had passed the boat house where the rowing club store their boats. Their are limited light sources, but the moon was out so we could see a short way down the over grown path. To our right is a line of bushes and shrubs and along out left a short woody bank that leads down to the river.

All of a sudden, emerging from the bushes to our right came a dark figure. It was bent over like an ape, and was walking on its knuckles at the end of its long arms. Im about 5’4″ and this creature crouched over came to around my waist height.
The most unsettling thing was that it didn’t make a sound. Both mine and my partners hands gripped and little tighter and we picked up our pace. Neither of us spoke for what seemed like an eternity. I spoke first asking “did you see that…?” he replied “yes! What did you think it was” we both said a monkey or a chimp or something. But it was bigger. Much bigger.

I haven’t walked down by the Mersey after dark since” 

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