A Possible Rake – It Had a Skeletal Face, With Skin That Clung To It”

Witness Report: “When I was 4-5 years old, I was staying at my grandparents home and I was going through a stressful time. I used to have many bad dreams back then when I was around that age, but one dream really stood out to me because it seemed extremely real, so much so that I’ve had dreams that were far less realistic in comparison based on this experience.

So usually at night I had a candle near my bed because I was scared of the dark. But I had woken up some time during the night and noticed that the candle was off. I don’t know why but I was feeling very uncomfortable so I hid under the covers. I was looking through the smallest crack in the quilt because I could hear some hissing sounds in my room. So I peeked out trying to find out what was going on while still trying to stay hidden.

The thing making the noise approached the bed, I think but I don’t remember the exact order of things. At some point it got so close It grabbed or touched my leg, but somehow I was able to get up on my feet. I was told by adults that If I pretend to be a superhero I could deal with monsters in bad dreams. So I shouted at it loudly ‘I’m a superHero.’ But I still felt terrified as I saw standing opposite me a creature that seemed far more detailed and physical than a dream monster normally is.

It had a skeletal face, with skin that clung to it, the skin looked thin hence why the face looked so skeletal. It had big eyes. To compare it to things I had not yet seen in movies as I had not yet seen Lord of the rings, but that’s what it looked like. It looked similar in appearance to the character Golem or some of the orcs that you see in the film. It’s not exactly the same but similar in so far as the skeletal features, the big eyes and sickly green skin. It had What looked like a flap of skin for hair similar to Jar Jar Binks or a cobra but not exactly like that either.

It had a long gangley skinny body and although it was taller than me I don’t think it was as big as say adults.And it was at that point that It jumped on me and I remember wrestling with it on the bed. The whole thing felt physical but considering a 5 year old could hold its own with it I can’t imagine it was too strong, and it may not have not been physical but it felt as if it was. I remember at one point that it bit my hand and I felt it, but I don’t think there was a mark there as I’m sure that would have been noticed in the morning.

My grandparents heard the commotion coming from my room so they came running down the hallway. Just before they arrived at the door the thing had evaporated and vanished. It left behind similar tracers to what you’d get if you had been looking at a light and turned away, so you had the shape of the thing but it was broken apart into these spots that are very similar to what you’d get if you’d look at a light bulb and look away.

I’m 25 now and this happened around the year 2000. I can’t put an exact date on it but it was when I was between 4 and 6 years old. When I went back to stay with my mum, I got visitations from these things but in a less physical form and there were 2 of them now, one would be green and the other red. They seemed similar but less physical these other times. I think they feed off fear as I was never harmed. In these dreams they only detained me. The first one stands out because of the realism of it.

I’m interested in unusual things now as I’d like to understand the world we live in better. I have a background in anthropology and so I like looking at myths from all over the world but I haven’t seen anything of the same description. I’m open to the idea that whatever these things are, they could be the type of creatures that can control their appearance , they could be Djinn or Fey or whatever.

There needs to be a taxonomy of whatever beings overlap this world with ours. If they’re actually different types, or if they can just change form. Or if how they appear is due to our projection onto them. I don’t know exactly but I’d like to find out. I’ve had other odd experiences in my life but that event feels like the most significant.

These cases seem very similar to me, it’s just the description of the figure that changes. For our first witness the shape of a short dark figure, was unnerving to say the least, but the second viewing was even scarier. Was this an EME or Entity of some kind intent on feeding on fear? I can’t see any other reason for it to show itself other than to cause fear?

The next report was shared with me via YouTube and I am unsure where in the world this took place but I do feel we should add it here as it would seem the ‘monster’ in this case seemed to court more than one generation of this family.

He Wore Black Clothes, His Skin Looked Like The Colour of Moonlight – Unknown Witness: “I called him my monster when I was a little girl. I would see him as he would come across the field next to our house when I was growing up. He stood over 7 feet tall, he wore black clothes, his skin looked like the colour of the moonlight. His eyes were a dark reddish black, he was complete with a set of horns in the shape of a U, his hair was multicoloured and a little longer than his shoulders. I always knew when he was going to come, my chest would throb, and without any fear of the night, I would go outside to meet him.

I was a little girl, it all started when I was six years old. He was a giant, when he spoke it was like a deep gravelly growl. He always smelled like smoke and fire. He would visit me often, as I grew up. He is the most stunning male, I have ever seen.

Years later, in that same house my daughter was looking out of a bedroom window, and she saw a massive figure standing on top of the shop which was a giant pole barn located right next door to our house. My daughter said she knew he was male, huge, and it was like he was wrapped in the shadows. The freaky part is! She was the same age that I was when I first met him.

The description of the entities in the reports must have been terrifying for the witnesses. Yet the witness in the case of the moonlight man had no fear of him, in fact she said he was handsome. What if this being can enchant as well as scare. What do they call it in the old vampire books? To ‘glimmer’ I think the term is. Memorisation, a very easy way of stunning your prey like a cat with a mouse that then strikes at the most opportune moment.

Until next time, Deborah

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