It looked like a Gorilla and it was walking on its Knuckles. River Mersey Creature.

Hello Debbie. I recently came across your article about the Bigfoot legend in Warrington. Around 7 years ago I was living with my then partner a short walk from the Kingsway Bridge. Like many people we’d use the pathway along the River Mersey as a short cut into town”.

One evening, I dont recall the time, but it was dark. My and my partner had set off down the path toward the town centre. We’d just come down the side of the bridge and had passed the boat house where the rowing club store their boats. Their are limited light sources, but the moon was out so we could see a short way down the over grown path. To our right is a line of bushes and shrubs and along out left a short woody bank that leads down to the river.

All of a sudden, emerging from the bushes to our right came a dark figure. It was bent over like an ape, and was walking on its knuckles at the end of its long arms. Im about 5’4″ and this creature crouched over came to around my waist height.

The most unsettling thing was that it didn’t make a sound. Both mine and my partners hands gripped and little tighter and we picked up our pace. Neither of us spoke for what seemed like an eternity. I spoke first asking “did you see that…?” he replied “yes! What did you think it was” we both said a monkey or a chimp or something. But it was bigger. Much bigger.

I haven’t walked down by the Mersey after dark since. 

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